Monday, 20 April 2015

Enterprise Approach

Throughout the project I wanted to find myself a Interior placement, I have been researching into different brands and companies and also looking for interior internships and jobs for when I graduate university. 
I have been researching into companies such as; Curve Interior, 360 InteriorDesign, Lynx Interior Design Group, NoChintz and so on.. Sending them individual emails about how I love their company and their work. 

Even though I haven't been able to grab myself a placement, I am still pleased that now the companies do know who I am and know that I am interested in their companies maybe for the future when something else comes available. I am putting myself out their in the world of interior design. 

Web Design

With the end near of university I do now need my own website what I can out on my own individual business cards, it is a much easier way for companies or maybe other freelance designers to be able to see my work and if there interested they can get in contact with me, I am using Wix web design and am hoping my website will be able to be published and out their very soon before I finish university. I am working on a simple layout which showcases each individual piece of work with a title and description.  

I have also set up my own Instagram account for my designs only and have been following designers and they have also been wanting to follow my even though I have put in the description box that the new page is still undergoing being made by myself. Social media is such a big thing in today's society and I think this will be a huge networking place for me I can also keep up to date with others designers work and see what's out there in the design world. 


Friday, 10 April 2015


Throughout the project I have been continuously designing with the drawings I have been doing trying to use my colour way to add more dimension into some of my designs;  

Here are two images from the collections I have been working on, the first image being from my more textured and surface collection which I will be including the more delicate surface images inspired by the patterns on the New Harlequin Range with more intricate patterns. 

My second image is one design from my second collection which definitely has more bold, blocked shapes and patterns. These images show the different feels and moods my collections will show and how different I can portray the same chosen colour pallet and make it look different in different designs.

With all designs I will be making them all into different colour ways and printing before deciding for definite which colours I will choose for the final design. I think this way is much more professional as I have learnt from this in the past as colours from Photoshop don't always print out the way you see them on the screen so I have time to prepare myself for changing some different colours.